March 17, 2022
NMC News in Brief
Things are quite sunny in the parallel universe 2386M. Felix Cited, seen here, graduated from NMC in 2020 with a degree in early education. (What he’s doing is called smiling.) He sailed through the past couple of years as the world experienced an exceptional- ly peaceful period. Cited is blissfully unaware of pandemics, wars, and social upheaval at home. And he looks forward to devoting his life to a career that is universally respected and supported. Things are quite sunny in the parallel universe 2386M. Felix Cited, seen here, graduated from NMC in 2020 with a degree in early education. (What he’s doing is called smiling.) He sailed through the past couple of years as the world experienced an exceptionally peaceful period. Cited is blissfully unaware of pandemics, wars, and social upheaval at home. And he looks forward to devoting his life to a career that is universally respected and supported.